Mixlr’s highly successful iPhone and iPad compatibility has been around for a while now, however we’ve been working on some awesome improvements that mean there are even more reasons to accompany your journey to work, or anywhere, with amazing live content from Mixlr’s rapidly growing community.
Mixlr’s HTML5 optimised iPhone compatibility ‘multitasks’ in the background of your phone operation, meaning you can continue to send texts and use other apps while you’re listening to broadcasts on Mixlr.
Recently, we’ve also enhanced the browsing experience by adding category tags to the landscape display:
And making live comments and sharing broadcasts is easier than ever:
In addition to the iPhone/iPad updates, the majority of recent Android users with Flash functionality can now listen, comment, and share Mixlr broadcasts on the move.
So, along with our brand new Google Chrome live notifications plugin, it’s never been easier to listen to your favourite broadcasters and discover great shows at home or on the move…
As always, comments and feedback are appreciated, either on this blog, on our new Facebook page, or on Twitter (@mixlr).